- skap
- с. ср. р. -a- вид, состояние, настроение, желание; til skaps fǫður míns в угоду моему отцуд-а. ge-sceap создание, форма (а. shape форма), д-в-н. scaf образ, состояние; к skepja
Old Norse-ensk orðabók. 2013.
Old Norse-ensk orðabók. 2013.
skap — skap(e obs. Sc. ff. scalp … Useful english dictionary
skap — s ( et, skap) ZOOL … Clue 9 Svensk Ordbok
skåp — s ( et, skåp) … Clue 9 Svensk Ordbok
skap — skàp interj. žr. skaptū: Jau dvylekta valanda, tik skàp skàp ir įbėga į tą sklepą velniukas (ps.) Akm … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
škap — škàp interj. kartojant žymimas kramtymas: Vaikas tik škàp škàp su dantukais Snt … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
scapiform — ˈskāpəˌfȯrm, ˈskap adjective Etymology: scapi + form : resembling a scape especially in being a stem without leaves … Useful english dictionary
scapolite — /skap euh luyt /, n. 1. any of a group of minerals of variable composition, essentially silicates of aluminum, calcium, and sodium, occurring as massive aggregates or tetragonal crystals. 2. the member of the scapolite group intermediate in… … Universalium
scapula — /skap yeuh leuh/, n., pl. scapulas, scapulae / lee /. 1. Anat. either of two flat, triangular bones, each forming the back part of a shoulder in humans; shoulder blade. See diags. under shoulder, skeleton. 2. Zool. a dorsal bone of the pectoral… … Universalium
scapulary — /skap yeuh ler ee/, adj., n., pl. scapularies. adj. 1. scapular1. n. 2. Surg. a shoulder dressing that keeps the shoulder or another bandage in place. [1175 1225; ME scapelori, scapelry < ML scapulorium, scapularium, assimilated to ARY. See… … Universalium
scapulimancy — /skap yeuh leuh man see/, n. divination of the future by observation of the cracking of a mammal s scapula that has been heated by a fire or hot instrument. Also, scapulomancy. Cf. oracle bone. [1870 75; SCAPUL(A) + I + MANCY] * * * … Universalium
scapulohumeral — /skap yeuh loh hyooh meuhr euhl/ or, often, / yooh /, adj. Anat. of, pertaining to, or involving the scapula and humerus. [1830 40; SCAPULO + HUMERAL] * * * … Universalium